Hi, my name is Katie and I’m a stay at home momma of two busy little boys. Last year my oldest was finally old enough to understand and celebrate Christmas–I was so excited! We started deciding what Christmas traditions we wanted with our boys and began doing some research. I was surprised by how few resources were out there for children and families that focused on the real meaning of Christmas. Not that I’m against Santa Claus and all his elves, but I wanted to focus our hearts on what Christmas was really all about- the birth of Christ. So, that’s how The Advent Kids was born.
The season of Advent, the days leading up to Christmas, is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. The purest message of Christmas is love- God loved us so He sent His Son Jesus. In the busyness of Christmas, sometimes we lose sight of what Christmas is really all about. Our heart behind The Advent Kids is simple- to help focus our hearts and celebrate the season when Love came near. We will offer a scripture/passage for you to read with your kids every day (Dec.1-Dec. 25) that tells some part of the Christmas story and celebrates the Love of Christ. We have a great list of Christmas books to read with your little ones, if you’re interested. We also believe that one of the greatest ways to show our love to Christ is to love people. So we will be encouraging families to do intentional acts of kindness, which you can tailor to your family’s needs, during the season of Advent. To help get your ideas flowing, we will offer some suggestions for kindness acts each day. If you would like to, please share your pictures with us on our Facebook page or Instagram and use the hashtag: #theadventkids.
We hope this site is a great resource for you and your family. We will be adding more resources as the season goes on, so come back and visit us often! We hope you have a very merry and blessed Christmas as we celebrate the season when Love came near.
Blessings, Katie
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